Events and Webinars

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Q2 Virtual Asset Management Roundtable

with Innes McFee, Ryan Sweet, Javier Corominas and Oliver Rakau | In-Person | June 18, 2024

The global economy is in transition. Inflation has fallen from its peaks and the major central banks are approaching the start of the easing cycle, but doubts linger about whether the Fed and the ECB can diverge from their current path and if they do, what the impact on markets will be. At the same time, the pattern of global growth is changing with US exceptionalism returning, while China continues to struggle against mounting structural headwinds. All of these key themes will be discussed in and debated by our global leadership group on our Q2 Macro Outlook Roundtable, happening online on June 18th.

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Eurozone dodges winter bullet but outlook will remain challenging

with Angel Talavera and Tomas Dvorak | Online | February 14, 2023

European sentiment is improving quickly, as a warm winter and a remarkable effort in reducing gas consumption has erased the prospects of energy rationing during the winter. The improved prospects for the industrial sector means the euro area economy may avoid a recession, but beyond the outlook for energy, prospects will continue to be dominated by two other factors: the evolution of inflation and the impact of the interest rate hike cycle carried out by the ECB.

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CEE shows limits of monetary policy in taming inflation

with Tomas Dvorak | Online | August 17, 2022

Similar inflation outcomes in CEE demonstrate the limits of monetary policy in combating the current surge in inflation. Slovakia has had a much looser monetary policy but its inflation rate has been similar to other CEE countries with sovereign central banks that have hiked aggressively since 2021. In this webinar, we will discuss the effectiveness of conventional monetary policy tightening in countering supply-driven, imported inflation, and its wider implications for the EM economies.

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Outlook Eurozona e Italia: situazione attuale e fattori di rischio

with Nicola Nobile and Riccardo Marcelli Fabiani | Online | June 23, 2022

Una situazione geopolitica ancora instabile, i rischi di una recessione sempre più concreti e il cambio di passo della BCE per quanto riguarda i tassi e gli acquisti di titoli di stato aggiungono fattori di rischio per un’economia che sta dando segni di rallentamento e che si deve confrontare con un’inflazione che non accenna a calmarsi.

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Eurozone outlook: Between recession risks and a booming summer

with Angel Talavera and Tomas Dvorak | Online | June 22, 2022

The list of risks facing the eurozone economy continues to grow. With inflation being stronger and more entrenched that previously expected, the ECB will be forced to implement a stronger monetary tightening. Meanwhile, the industrial sector continues to reel from persistent supply chain issues while consumers are suffering a massive hit to real incomes as a result of the inflation surge. Simultaneously, some sectors of the economy continue to outperform, with services, and in particular the outlook for the tourism sector looking bright ahead of the summer season.

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