China Cities and Regional Forecasts
Quarterly updated data and forecasts for Chinese cities and provinces.
Try for freeOverview
Our China Cities Service provides quarterly updated data and long-term forecasts for 280 cities and all 31 provinces in mainland China.
In-depth data for cities and provinces
Historic data and long-term forecasts to 2050 for key economic, demographic and industry variables, as well as insights into evolving income and consumer spending patterns.
Detailed geographic coverage
Data and forecasts for 280 cities and 31 provinces, along with relevant national totals
Regular updates and long-term forecasts
The data, which go back at least 20 years, and out to 2050, is updated four times a year
Extensive dataset for each location
Broad range of economic, labour market, demographic, and consumer spending indicators
User-friendly delivery
Data delivery is via API, data feed, spreadsheets, charts, tables, dashboards and maps
Comprehensive, in-depth economic insights
An extensive dataset is available for each location, providing measures of economic performance and underlying growth drivers
Service features
- Web-based application and add-ins. Our Global Data Workstation is a web-based application that provides various data selection, visualisation, and personalisation features. Our Excel Data Workstation is a simple but powerful add-in for accessing our data directly within Excel.
- Advanced analytical functions. Quickly build custom queries with complete flexibility and view the data in tables, charts, and maps.
- Analysis. Forecasts are accompanied by summary reports highlighting key messages.
Service benefits
- Better decisions, faster. Our forecasts are updated regularly and will allow you to make the best decisions.
- Confidence. Our analysis and forecasts are derived from a consistent set of global economic, industry and city models and will help you to move forward with confidence.
- Excellent customer service. We offer our clients comprehensive customer support with full access to our experienced economists and IT support team.
Indicators and geographic coverage
Indicators provided include:
- GDP by sector
- employment by sector
- population by age cohort
- income indicators
- consumer spending by product/service
Our China Cities Service covers 31 provinces and 280 cities. Please fill out the form below to request more information about the service and its coverage.
China Cities and Regional Forecasts
Our China Cities Service covers 280 cities and all 31 provinces across mainland China.
“Oxford Economics’ data and forecasts form the backbone of our demand models. The global consistency and granular detail available in their expansive dataset allows us to focus on the variables most relevant to our business.”
Resources and events
Research Briefing
Rethinking China’s productivity prospects in the era of AI
Research Briefing
Six lessons from the US-China trade war as the next phase looms
Research Briefing
Office employment growth most substantial in Asian Cities
Research Briefing
India has an edge over Mexico, but is not the next China
Commodity outlook: How much further will prices fall?
Global industry forecast update: Momentum is building
Navigating supply chain decoupling – prioritizing opportunities with OE’s Market Compass tool
Outlook gospodarczy dla Polski w świetle prognoz dla gospodarki światowej i europejskiej
Chinese City consumers weighed down in 2024-25
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We are committed to protecting your right to privacy and ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information. We will not share your personal information with other individuals or organisations without your permission.
Download the brochure for the China Cities and Regional Forecasts
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