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Unveiling Megatrends Scenarios: Navigating a Fractured World

with Daniel Moseley and Benjamin Trevis | Online | February 19, 2025

Discover how geopolitical tensions and populism impact future growth prospects and why this matters for your business and the global economy. Join us for an exclusive webinar unveiling our new Megatrends Scenarios service, exploring the economic implications of a 'Fractured World' scenario.

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Perspectivas para España y Europa: los consumidores serán clave

with Angel Talavera and Debora Bourdon | Online | November 20, 2023

Con la economía de la zona euro al borde de la recesión, las perspectivas a corto plazo siguen siendo negativas. Para 2024 esperamos una cierta recuperación en Europa de la mano de unos consumidores que verán una mejora en su renta disponible debido a la caída de la inflación. Aunque los riesgos en el sector energético han disminuido en gran medida, las tensiones geopolíticas y el impacto de las subidas de tipos seguirán presentando riesgos para el crecimiento. En España, esperamos un crecimiento algo más flojo que este año a medida que los vientos de cola en la recuperación del sector servicios se agotan, pero seguiremos creciendo por encima de la media de la zona euro.

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China and India – shifting issues, shifting roles

with Alexandra Hermann and Louise Loo | Online | June 21, 2023

China’s population has peaked and its industrial engines have struggled despite this year’s reopening. The longer-term outlook is beset by meaningful structural headwinds, an uncertain regulatory policy, geopolitical tensions with the US. Enter India, a vast and young workforce has the potential to benefit from the ongoing supply chain diversification away from China. We provide our takes on the near- and medium-term outlooks for both economies and discuss how the two economic giants could both co-exist and compete in this new economic world order.

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Strategy Themes and Trade Ideas for 2023

with Javier Corominas, Daniel Grosvenor and Regis Chatellier | Online | December 7, 2022

2022 has proved to be an eye-watering year, laden with geo-political tensions, a global equity bear market, the fastest pace of policy tightening for a generation and with question marks raised over traditional asset allocation approaches, especially 60/40. We expect 2023 to bring challenges and increased opportunities for investors as recession sets in and economic performance varies across markets, geographies and thus asset classes.

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