Events and Webinars

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Showing 1-7 of 7
UK economic key themes for 2025

with Andrew Goodwin and Edward Allenby | Online | December 3, 2024

The UK economy ends 2024 at a crossroads. After a surprisingly strong H1 2024, GDP growth almost ground to a halt in Q3. But at the same time, many forecasters – including the Office for Budget Responsibility and the Bank of England – have become more optimistic about prospects for 2025. We take a more cautious view and in this webinar we'll look at four key themes that we expect to shape the outlook for the UK economy in 2025.

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China: Will the ‘New Three’ industries prove an economic game-changer?

with Louise Loo | Online | February 2, 2024

A step-up in decarbonisation efforts has boosted growth in the new industries of electric vehicles, batteries, and renewables in China. To what extent are these proving to be the economy's new growth drivers? What can authorities do about the risk of overcapacity? Can these industries offset the macro drag from a shrinking housing sector?

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Global CRE key themes for 2024 – A year of transition

with Mark Unsworth and Nicholas Wilson | Online | January 30, 2024

Global GDP growth and inflation will slow in 2024 and central banks will begin to pivot in H2. Commercial real estate (CRE) values are likely to be slow to recover but opportunities will start to emerge. In this real estate webinar we discuss the outlook and take you through our key themes for the year ahead.

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Global: Key themes 2024 – Few opportunities in a gloomy landscape

with Ben May and Kiki Sondh | Online | December 1, 2023

Global GDP growth and inflation will slow in 2024 and central banks will begin to pivot in H2 – at least that seems to be the broad agreement among markets, policymakers, and forecasters. For the most part, we concur and have identified three key themes that we think will be key to the precise path that economies and financial markets take next year: Risks to the consensus growth view are skewed to the downside. Inflation trends will diverge more. Despite the gloom, some bright spots will emerge In this webinar we explore these three key themes in more detail

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Financial stresses add to the downside risks to world growth

with Ben May and Innes McFee | Online | March 20, 2023

We’ve recently revised up our world GDP growth forecast for 2023 modestly and continue to see only modest recessions at worst in key advanced economies. The recent failures of Silvergate Capital and Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) have nonetheless highlighted the risk of a more substantive and disorderly further tightening in financial conditions which could in turn have adverse spillovers to the real economy. In this webinar, we set out why we have kept our baseline forecasts unchanged in response to these recent events and set out what we would need to see from here to trigger a substantive downward revision to our baseline forecasts.

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Canada Economic Podcast – December 2022

with Tony Stillo and Cassidy Rheaume | Online | December 21, 2022

Tony Stillo, Director of Economics for Canada, and fellow Associate Economist, Cassidy Rheaume discuss the unique factors that will shape Canada’s looming recession. Stronger-than-expected headline GDP growth in Q3 masks underlying weakness and we still believe that the economy is in the early stages of recession. No two recessions are alike. Unique pandemic and geopolitical factors will shape Canada's upcoming economic downturn.

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The threat to world growth from property markets

with Innes McFee and Adam Slater | Online | November 17, 2022

With world property markets starting to weaken, we examine how large a downturn is likely, what factors will be key to determining the extent of the downturn (over time and across economies), and what the impact of property market weakness could be on world GDP growth.

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