Recent Release | 08 May 2020

Surviving and Thriving: How Supply Chain Leaders minimise risk and maximise opportunities

Thought Leadership Team

Oxford Economics

In early 2020, Oxford Economics and SAP surveyed 1,000 executives worldwide and across industries to see how they are juggling the complexities of the supply chain in a rapidly changing environment. We identified a group of Supply Chain Leaders practising four traits leading to more effective, resilient, and better-performing supply chains. These leaders have stronger strategies for customer-centricity, visibility into the supply chain, sustainability, and the application of intelligent technologies. Leaders are seeing results from their efforts in terms of supply chain effectiveness, resiliency, and overall financial performance.

About the team

Our Thought Leadership team produces original, evidence-based research made accessible to decision-makers and opinion leaders. Principals for this project included:

Ben Wright

Senior Research Manager, Thought Leadership

Edward Cone

Editorial Director and Technology Practice Lead, Thought Leadership

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