The economic transformation to meet net zero

[Video] The economic transformation to meet net zero

On Wednesday 3rd November, Oxford Economics hosted its quarterly UK & Global Outlook Conference. This invite-only event for our key clients and prospects is always a thoroughly enjoyable opportunity to catch up with familiar faces and new ones, but this event was a particularly special one for us, since we were also celebrating Oxford Economics’ 40th Anniversary!

To celebrate this milestone, we are offering our blog & social media followers the exclusive opportunity to watch all 3 sessions from the conference. To watch the third session ‘The economic transformation to meet net zero‘ by Felicity Hannon and James Nixon, complete the form today. Or watch session 1 Inflationary and volatile: the new reality? by Innes McFee and session 2 Can the recovery survive without policy? by Andrew Goodwin.

The economic transformation to meet net zero? by Felicity Hannon and James Nixon

  • Mitigation scenarios aimed at achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 will help to slow global warming but require a radical transformation of economies.
  • The sooner we act, the easier this transition will be.
  • We presented Oxford Economics’ global climate change scenarios developed using the latest version of our Global Economic Model, incorporating new research on the links between energy demand and changes in temperature on economic activity.
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