Research Briefing | Mar 31, 2021

APAC | Cities Outlook: Expect a broad return to growth

Tentative recovery for major Asian cities

After an extraordinary downturn across Asian city economies in 2020 we expect a broad return to growth in 2021. But while many cities that contracted will recover to 2019 output levels by the end of this year, some that experienced particularly deep economic scarring or had weak growth momentum pre-pandemic will take longer.

Download the report to find out:

  • Which APAC cities experienced largest falls in GDP in 2020
  • Which APAC cities are expected to see the highest rates of growth in 2021
  • What are the key drivers of growth for APAC cities

If you would like to get access to our forecasts for 47 cities and sub regions in Asia Pacific, click here to submit a free trial request.

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