Research Briefing | Aug 5, 2021

Global | Global Risk Survey: Recovery threatened by Delta surge

 Global Risk Survey: Recovery threatened by Delta surge

The Delta coronavirus variant poses the greatest risk to the global economy, according to our latest survey of risk perceptions. More respondents cite a new coronavirus wave as the top near-term downside than any risk since our first risk survey five years ago.

What you will learn:

  • Businesses expect price pressures to fade over time. While respondents attach a high probability to more rapid world inflation in 2022 than in recent years, they perceive a less than 1-in-10 chance of a 5%+ annual rate over the medium term.
  •  The survey was completed by 160 businesses from July 12 to August 3. Results have informed the economic scenarios that we will publish in our Q3 Global Scenarios Service in late August.
  • Our latest survey finds that the improvement in sentiment since the turn of the year has largely been sustained. 
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