Strategic Asset Allocation Service Brochure
Helping long-term investors understand expected rates of return across countries and asset classes, and under different global risk scenarios. Our investment strategy team combines the output from Oxford Economics’ proprietary Global Economic Model with long term thematic analysis to produce expected returns over a three to five-year horizon, including a look at how returns change under various global risk scenarios.
What’s included?
- Strategic Asset Allocation. Quarterly publication that looks at the price returns over a 3-5 year horizon under the baseline, cyclical and structural scenarios.
- Strategic Themes. At least eight per year longer-term thematic research pieces examining the investment implications of current themes.
- Website access. Access to data underpinning our SAA forecasts, previous SAAs and Strategic Theme notes.
- Invitations to events. Regular events and webinars to review our views and discuss forecasts.
- Economist and strategist contact. Contact our dedicated team directly
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