Consulting | 22 Oct 2021
Economic impact of the global ferry industry

The global ferry industry comprises companies that own or operate vessels that transport passengers, goods and vehicles over short sea and inland routes.
Ferries provide vital connections which enable all types of journey, whether that be local trips to work, study, visit others, or access amenities, or longer trips for business or tourism. Ferries also facilitate trade within and across national borders.
Ferries therefore play a pivotal role as an economic and social enabler. As they do so, they sustain significant economic activity in their own right, both directly through the income and employment they support, and through wider supply chain and worker spending effects which benefit other parts of the economy.
In this study, commissioned by Interferry, we assess the economic footprint of the global ferry industry. Our modelling suggests the global ferry industry could have supported $60 billion in GDP and 1.1 million jobs globally in 2019.
Our economic consulting team are world leaders in quantitative economic analysis, working with clients around the globe and across sectors to build models, forecast markets and evaluate interventions using state-of-the art techniques.
To find out more about our capabilities, contact:
Sam Moore
+44 (0)207 803 1415
Hamilton Galloway
+1 (646) 503 3068
Rhianne Clark
+65 6850 0112
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