2024年中特辑:直击市场动态,把握增长机遇 | 牛津经济研究院中文研讨会

Betty Wang
Lead Economist

Betty Wang
Lead Economist
Betty joined Oxford Economics in January 2024 as Lead Economist covering mainland China, Taiwan and South Korea, based in Singapore.
Before she moved to Oxford Economics, Betty worked as Senior China Economist at Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd, based in Hong Kong. Her research coverage focuses on tracking China’s economic drivers including the property market, industrial policies, structural reforms and economic policy. In addition to her Greater China coverage, Betty also expanded her research reach to the ESG area, leading the team to win the best ESG research in Australia. Betty started her career at Standard Chartered Bank in 2008 and worked as Northeast Asia Economist until 2016.
Betty has published thematic research reports and data commentaries regularly and garnered a strong following for her intellectual offering to corporate and financial institution clients in the region. Her comments are frequently quoted by local and international media.
Betty holds dual-master’ degrees in Economics at Peking University and in Finance at the University of Hong Kong.