Why air travel is set to soar ahead again in 2023
Air passenger demand data for early-2023 indicates further significant improvements over 2022’s partial demand recovery. Despite a subdued economic backdrop, forward looking data across May to September show little sign of this recovery taking any reprieve and activity is set to surpass 2019 levels towards the end of the year. The re-opening of the Chinese international travel market is providing some additional reasons for optimism. Tourism Economics and IATA share latest data, trends and the outlook in this webinar.

Dave Goodger
Managing Director, EMEA, Tourism Economics

Dave Goodger
Managing Director, EMEA, Tourism Economics
Dave Goodger is Director of Tourism Economics, Europe. He has been instrumental in developing the global model of tourism flows and spending, which covers 185 origins and destinations, and he continues to manage the regular forecast updates. He also maintains an active role in new product development and consultancy work.

Kyu-Bin Lim
Economist at IATA

Kyu-Bin Lim
Economist at IATA
Kyu-Bin is currently an economist at IATA.
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