Perspectives sur l’économie mondiale, et risque de conflit Israël-Iran
Le risque de conflit entre Israël et l’Iran fait peser une incertitude forte sur les prix de l’énergie et sur le calendrier de baisse des taux, représentant un danger pour l’économie et les marchés.
L’économie mondiale est-elle déjà sortie du tunnel, dans un contexte incertain avec une élection à forts enjeux pour le commerce mondial aux Etats-Unis et une reprise économique déséquilibrée en Chine ?

Pierre Delage
Managing Director, Paris
+33 (0) 1 7891 5053

Pierre Delage
Managing Director, Paris
Paris, France
Pierre graduated from Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP Business School) in 2000, then pursued an MSc in Macroeconomics at Paris-Dauphine University with a thesis on macroeconomic equilibrium, and a BA in Philosophy from Paris-Sorbonne University. After a short experience at Arthur Andersen, he joined the internet holding of Vivendi as a financial analyst. Turning to economics through his MSc, he joined Oxford Economics in 2004 in Oxford as an economist covering Asian and European economies. Pierre came back to Paris in 2007 to set up Oxford Economics operations on the Continent. He is now heading the Paris office which covers France, Iberia, Belgium and French-speaking Africa.

Leo Barincou
Senior Economist based in Paris, France

Leo Barincou
Senior Economist based in Paris, France
Paris, France
Leo is a Senior Economist within the macroeconomics forecasting division of Oxford Economics. He is based in Paris and is responsible for producing macroeconomic forecasts for France.
Before joining Oxford Economics, Leo worked for seven years as an economist across various organizations, including the French Treasury, the asset management firm Covéa Finance and the economic consultancy Centolla. Léo holds a Master’s degree from the London School of Economics, as well as the Ecole normale supérieure and Sciences Po in Lyon.
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