Research Briefing | Sep 20, 2022

COP27 to shift focus to developing economies

Concerns about energy security and extreme weather events support the case to accelerate the development of renewable sources of energy and pursue further action against climate change. COP27 is expected to build on the momentum generated by COP26, but progress has been underwhelming. Climate goals remain elusive, with current NDC pledges likely to lead to significant warming above industrial levels.

What you will learn:

  • COP27 will highlight the uneven distribution of the burden and impact of climate change, emphasising issues that are more significant to developing economies. This includes adaptation, climate finance, and the more contentious issue of providing support for losses and damages. Mitigation to keep the goal of 1.5 degrees alive will also be prioritised.
  • The green transition will need to be just and equitable for developing economies to actively participate without compromising their development goals. The UN principle of ‘Common but Differentiated Responsibilities’, which acknowledges the different capacities of different countries, should anchor climate discussions. More developed economies and large emitters are expected to lead and continue raising climate ambitions.
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