Research Briefing | Sep 16, 2021

Australia | Road maintenance races ahead, construction in pit stop

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Governments around Australia pursued an ‘infrastructure-led recovery’ to kickstart the economy following the coronavirus induced 2020 recession. As part of this recovery the Federal Government announced the fast-tracking of  shovel-ready’ infrastructure projects and an acceleration of work on a number of major transportation projects that were already in the pipeline.
What you will learn:

  • Public funded road construction activity fell 4.4% over FY21 to an estimated $11bn, its lowest annual level since FY15
  • The upcoming boom in road construction activity will be driven by major publicly funded urban highway and arterial projects in Australia’s four largest cities
  • Major government funded projects are expected to see public road construction activity increase from $11bn in FY21 to a record $19.9bn in FY24
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