2024年拉丁美洲关键主题 – 增长放缓,但并非全是坏消息
日期: 2023 年 12 月 8 日星期五2023 年 12 月 8 日星期五
在本次网络研讨会上,我们将介绍 2024 年拉丁美洲的关键主题。 首先,虽然年度增长将慢于 2023 年,甚至慢于共识,但季度数据将揭示更细微的情况。 其次,通胀降温的速度基本上会继续快于市场预期,但地平线上也存在风险。 第三,通胀率的快速下降将使中央银行能够以比市场预期更快的速度进行削减。 最后,在近期债务可控的背景下,大多数国家将放慢财政整顿的步伐,但借贷成本的飙升会带来风险。

Joan Domene
Chief Latin America Economist
+52 55 7100 1824

Joan Domene
Chief Latin America Economist
Mexico City, Mexico
Joan Domene is the Chief Economist for Latin America and is responsible for developing Oxford Economics’ view on the region. Joan is responsible for producing macroeconomic forecasts for Mexico. He manages a team of economists who produce regional and country-specific research on over 30 countries. Joan’s work also involves presenting the outlook to clients and liaising with the media. Joan joined Oxford Economics in 2019 as Senior Economist after 5 years at a Mexican private bank.