Events and Webinars

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L’Italia tra elezioni, crisi energetica e inflazione

with Nicola Nobile and Paolo Grignani | Online | September 21, 2022

Con la caduta del Governo Draghi si è aperta una fase di incertezza per l’economia italiana, che deve affrontare un periodo di campagna elettorale mentre la crisi legata al caro energia e all’inflazione inizia ad essere ben visibile per imprese e famiglie. Con una recessione in Italia e nell’Eurozona che prevediamo essere ormai alle porte, la coalizione che uscirà vincitrice dalle urne il 25 Settembre dovrà quindi affrontare da subito delle problematiche importanti, che si vanno a sommare agli impegni legati al PNRR e alle turbolenze da parte dei mercati. Nel corso del nostro webinar cercheremo di analizzare tutte queste tematiche con un approfondimento sui potenziali scenari post voto.

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Fed aims to slay the inflation dragon – what will it take?

with Kathy Bostjancic and Lydia Boussour | Online | September 15, 2022

The Federal Reserve, led by Chairman Powell has raised the fed funds rate by the fastest pace since the 1980’s when former Chairman Volcker set out to slay the inflation dragon that lingered from the 1970’s. We estimate that Fed still needs to raise the policy rate by another 150bps and expect that to be done by the end of this year. This would lift the fed funds target range to 3.75% - 4%, which should help lead inflation markedly lower by the end of 2023. However, this comes at a cost as the restrictive policy level will tip the economy into a mild recession in H1 2023.

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Global scenarios: Gas rationing and stagflation

with Jamie Thompson and Alex Mackle | Online | September 7, 2022

In recent months the risk that the global economy will slip into recession next year has risen and so has the risk of a protracted period of stagflation. We explore these risks, drawing on key insights from our latest global scenarios. Our focus is the potential fall-out from rationing of natural gas in Europe, as well as the implications of persistently elevated inflation expectations and policy rates.

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LatAm outlook: which central banks will be the first to cut rates in 2023?

with Marcos Casarin and Felipe Camargo | Online | September 2, 2022

As inflation reaches its peak, the key question in the region becomes which central bank will be the first to cut rates. Please join our LatAm chief economist Marcos Casarin as he provides an outlook update for the region focusing on the future of monetary policy and the implications for growth and exchange rates.

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CEE shows limits of monetary policy in taming inflation

with Tomas Dvorak | Online | August 17, 2022

Similar inflation outcomes in CEE demonstrate the limits of monetary policy in combating the current surge in inflation. Slovakia has had a much looser monetary policy but its inflation rate has been similar to other CEE countries with sovereign central banks that have hiked aggressively since 2021. In this webinar, we will discuss the effectiveness of conventional monetary policy tightening in countering supply-driven, imported inflation, and its wider implications for the EM economies.

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US macro, industries, and metro outlook – Challenges mount but recession hasn’t arrived

with Oren Klachkin and Ahmed Abdelmeguid | Online | August 11, 2022

The recovery’s best days are clearly in the rear-view mirror as the economy confronts persistently hot inflation, tighter financial conditions, ongoing supply chain stress, downbeat sentiment and softening spending. US industrial growth has slowed in the face of these challenges and services are not immune from these headwinds. Odds of a recession are rising, but there is still a pathway to a soft landing. Tune in to this webinar to learn where the US economy is headed through the rest of 2022 and into 2023 – with a focus on the path forward for industries.

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Online | July 28, 2022

ウェビナーでは、6月に米国FEDが景気後退も辞さない覚悟でインフレを抑制する姿勢を示したことを受けての世界経済の展望とリスクをご説明します。Oxford Economics見通しの特徴は、比較的早いインフレ率の戻りと利上げ停止・利下げ展開を展望し、米国のリセッション入りもかろうじて回避することを見込む点です。その成否の鍵を握る長期金利や資産価格の動き、マクロ的なインフレ決定メカニズムの構造変化の有無などについての分析をご紹介します。

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Global uncertainties and the outlook for cities in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America

with Richard Holt and Scott McEwan | Online | July 19, 2022

2022 is proving to be yet another highly unpredictable year—but also one with large variations by global region and hence across different cities. Some are seeing strong tourism recoveries while others are struggling to emerge from lockdown. Some face manufacturing supply problems, while others are experiencing tech booms. Inflation is a major issue for many, but not all. In this webinar we will explore and explain the differences, and discuss how quickly, if at all, city economies will return to normal.

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US Economic Outlook: Pathway to a softish landing

with Kathy Bostjancic and Nancy Vanden Houten | Online | July 12, 2022

Recession headwinds have increased as the Fed is more aggressively front-loading rate hikes due to very sticky and elevated inflation. Despite the possibility of two consecutive quarters of negative growth, there still remains a pathway, albeit narrowing, toward a softish landing. The easing of labor and product supply constraints and a still sizeable pool of consumer savings should underpin the expansion.

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2021 Australian Census Insights: Lockdowns, Migration, and Household Formation

with Timothy Hibbert and Maree Kilroy | Online | June 30, 2022

The first tranche of data from the Australian 2021 Census is due for release on the 28th of June. Representing the most comprehensive snapshot of the country, the census provides key insights to the economic, social and cultural make-up of Australia. In this webinar we will discuss the topical housing, population, and employment data points, including what they mean for our forecast outlook.

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European travel recovery is underway despite risks – ETC 2022 Q2 trends and prospects

with Dave Goodger, Tourism Economics and Jennifer Iduh, ETC | Online | June 24, 2022

High inflation, including rising travel costs, and staff shortages are the two major risks threatening the ongoing recovery in European travel in 2022. In this session we will provide an overview of current trends and the outlook for European travel recovery this year. Within this, we will share the likely impacts from these headwinds as well as explaining why we believe these effects will be temporary and won’t derail growth, as well as the likelihood of more adverse outcomes.

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Inflation et croissance, meilleures ennemies ?

with Daniela Ordonez and Pierre Delage | Online | June 23, 2022

Tirée par le conflit Ukrainien et le confinement Chinois, la vague inflationniste est partie pour durer. Mais jusqu’à quand? L’impulsion donnée par la fin (temporaire) du Covid sera-t-elle suffisante pour soutenir la croissance, en France et dans le monde, alors que les politiques monétaires se resserrent et la confiance chute ?

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Inflation and growth, best enemies?

with Daniela Ordonez and Florent Guillarme | Online | June 22, 2022

The Ukrainian conflict and the Chinese lockdowns have propped up inflationary pressures, which are clearly here to stay. But until when? Will the boost given by the (temporary) end of Covid be enough to support global growth while monetary policies tighten and confidence plummets?

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UK Outlook: Where does the MPC go from here?

with Andrew Goodwin | Online | June 21, 2022

Inflation is on course to top 10% in October when the energy price cap rises again, and consumers face the biggest fall in real incomes for 80 years. Despite strong pushback from the MPC, markets expect the Committee to ultimately prove more concerned about high inflation than potential recession, and price a series of rate hikes through the rest of this year. In this webinar we will look at the main messages from June’s MPC meeting and assess what they mean for the future path of interest rates.

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Middle East: Regional growth trends in an inflationary world

with Scott Livermore | Online | June 20, 2022

Inflation has not been a major concern for GCC commodity exporters, containing pressure on domestic demand, but like everywhere else, consumer prices are rising. In this webinar, we will place regional trends in the global context and discuss the challenges the current period of higher inflation may pose to the otherwise positive outlook.

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Recession risks in Latin America

with Marcos Casarin and Gabriel Sterne | Online | June 20, 2022

Latin America was one of the regions most affected by the current wave of imported inflation. And with all five major central banks bound to miss their inflation targets for three years in a row in 2021-23, policy rates have been increased significantly, taking real rates to multi-year highs everywhere. Partly as a result of this abrupt monetary tightening we expect four of the six largest economies in the region to enter technical recessions in the next 12 months.

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Tight supply supports energy, demand concerns weigh on metals

with Kiran Ahmed, Toby Whittington and Stephen Hare | Online | June 17, 2022

With the Russia-Ukraine conflict showing little sign of ending, concerns about supply continue to dominate energy markets – the EU is ratcheting up pressure on Russia, while Russia has in turn cut off gas supply to several countries. The focus in metals markets has shifted towards concerns about demand amid the slowdown in China. In this webinar we explore the impact of these developments on commodity prices and discuss key risks to our forecasts.

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Global Economic Outlook Webinar: Will high inflation halt the recovery?

with Ben May | Online | June 16, 2022

The global economy has started 2022 on a distinctly soft note and uncertainties over the economic fallout from the Ukraine war, high inflation and activity restrictions continue to cloud the nearer-term outlook. While recession risks have certainly grown over recent months, we continue to remain cautiously optimistic about the economic recovery. In this webinar, we provide an overview of our latest assessment of the global economic outlook.

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Fed still has a good chance of navigating a soft landing

with Kathy Bostjancic and Lydia Boussour | Online | June 9, 2022

The Federal Reserve fell behind the inflation curve and now is committed to aggressively front-loading policy tightening, which is helping to send recession odds higher. We will discuss when they are likely to scale back on the tightening and the unique dynamics in this expansion that give the Federal Reserve a fighting chance to achieve a soft landing.

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