Events and Webinars

We run a worldwide programme of insightful conferences, roundtables, webinars and podcasts presented by our economic experts.


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Showing 41-60 of 61
Has Asia’s inflation peaked?

with Priyanka Kishore and Sung-Eun Jung | Online | February 11, 2022

CPI inflation is on a uptrend in Asia, but to a lesser degree than the rest of the world. However, with producer prices continuing to increase at a strong pace, concerns of knock on impact on retail inflation have risen. In this webinar, we investigate the likelihood of PPI to CPI passthrough across Asia and what that implies for our inflation forecasts.

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Can the strength in Australian industrial property be sustained?

with Lee Walker | Online | December 2, 2021

Industrial property across Australia’s eastern seaboard markets has been a standout performer over the last few years. In the occupancy markets, demand is strong, supercharged by pandemic related drivers. Industrial property construction is also high, but not enough to prevent a rapid reduction in vacancies, driving rental growth.

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China in 2022: key themes

Online | November 26, 2021

As China’s economy is slowing down amid a real estate downturn and its zero Covid tolerance is holding back a consumption recovery, we explore the outlook for the economy and policy next year. We discuss the key themes that we expect to characterize China’s economic developments and policy in 2022, as well as its relations with the rest of the world.

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Scaling the great wall of trade barriers

with BIS Oxford Economics | Online | November 25, 2021

Australia's trade relationship with China has been rocky over the past year. When trade tensions first emerged, we quantified which products we saw as most vulnerable to trade barriers in China, and the data over 2021 to date have largely borne out these findings. However, Australia's overall export performance has weathered these disruptions reasonably well, with exporters on average able to pivot into alternate markets.

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[Webinar] 世界経済の展望と回復へのリスク

Online | October 29, 2021

2021年10月29日に「世界経済の展望と回復へのリスク」をテーマとして、日本語のウェビナーを開催いたします。 今次日本語ウェビナーでは、2022年にかけての世界経済を展望し、今年よりは幾分減速しながらもしっかりとした回復が続くという弊社見通しに対する主なリスクを議論します。具体的には、①米国経済のスタグフレーション・リスク、②FEDの政策見通しと円の行方、③サプライチェーン問題の先行き、④中国恒大問題の影響、⑤新しい資本主義論をどう考えるべきか、といったテーマをカバー出来ればと考えております。

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Seeds sown for Australian apartment recovery

Online | October 27, 2021

The outlook for the apartment sector has brightened over 2021. The latest data points suggest the sector has passed the trough. The return of investors, the reopening of the international border and an affordability-based shift toward apartments in some cities will underpin unit prices outpacing houses over the coming years. A strong pipeline of institutional programs, the impending completion of major new public transport links across Australia’s major cities, and an emergent build-to-rent sector further cement this rosy outlook.

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What can alternative data tell us about relative economic performance?

Online | September 29, 2021

Topic: The speed with which the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the global economy forced economists to supplement their ‘traditional’ data sources with unconventional indicators. By tracking mobility data, stringency of restrictions indices and health outcomes and their relationship with GDP, employment and other key outcomes, we can now see in near-real time the economic fallout of the pandemic. The emergence of the Delta variant has made this intelligence invaluable. Asian countries with low tolerance levels for COVID are seeing growth momentum soften (and even reverse, in the case of Australia and New Zealand), while high vaccination rates have enabled an easing of restrictions in Europe and North America. In this webinar our Chief Economist, Dr Sarah Hunter and the Regional Manager for Macrobond Ian Hissey will discuss what we’ve learnt about the impact of COVID and restrictions on national economies over the last 18 months, what the alternative indicators tell us about current economic conditions, and how the recovery may evolve from here. Please note that we will be holding one webinar each for Americas, APAC and EMEA friendly time zones: APAC - Wednesday 29th September| 13:00 AEST EMEA - Thursday 30th September | 10:00 BST Americas - Thursday 30th September| 16:00 EST

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[Webinar] Remote working one year on and implications for Australian office property markets

Online | August 11, 2021

Australian cities are likely to be facing ongoing or snap lockdowns until the end of year until our vaccination targets are met. But what happens after?There’s still a huge amount of discussion and disagreement about how much remote working will be done in future and what the implications are for CBD office space.In this presentation we discuss the future of remote working in Australia and it’s impact on office markets and answering questions such as: What have we learned about actual change? What can lesson’s can be learned from Melbourne’s experience? If there’s a big negative impact, how is prime property likely to fare vs secondary? Some make the argument that prime assets won’t suffer as much – what does history tell us? And what about the impact of supply?

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Will the fall out from COVID-19 be positive or negative for the construction sector?

Online | July 28, 2021

We are proud to be launching the first edition of our Global Construction Service, with provides detailed forecasts of the value of construction work done across 10 sectors in 78 countries. Our construction team have over 25 years of experience forecasting activity across the Asia-Pacific region, and we have developed a unique, bespoke methodology that combines bottom-up project information and in-depth knowledge of the sector with top-down models anchored in economic fundamentals.

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Asia Pacific cities and regions: consumer spending and office-based employment in 2021 and out to 2035

Online | July 14, 2021

Asia Pacific and many of its cities are doing much to help lead the global recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. In this webinar we will look to see what that means for consumer spending and office-based employment in the region and its cities. We will ask how those factors may change in 2021 and out to 2035. Where will the spending be concentrated? And on what? Where will the new office jobs be? Will more of the region’s big cities come to challenge the likes of New York, London and Paris? And are there any cities and regions to watch?

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South East Asia: Growth is gearing up but not yet at full steam

Online | April 27, 2021

Tighter mobility restrictions around the turn of the year will weigh on growth in Q1 for most SEA economies while inflation is also trending higher. We expect the region’s recovery to gather pace in Q2, led by strong exports and electronics demand amid a global rebound. But a return to pre-pandemic levels remains some time off for some and the recovery will continue to depend on a country’s health success and policy support. New outbreaks and a slower vaccination progress remain key risks to the outlook.

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Post-Covid Tourism Recovery in APAC

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As the rollout of vaccines has progressed, countries are increasingly looking to re-open their borders and facilitate a return of international tourism. Approaching ‘herd immunity’ also has implications for domestic tourism, with internal lockdowns less likely. This webinar will look at the Tourism Economics outlook for travel and tourism in the Asia-Pacific region, including for...

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[Webinar] Japan: 2021年後半の世界経済:経済再開後の景気過熱リスク

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2021年7月13日に「2021年後半の世界経済:経済再開後の景気過熱リスク」をテーマとして、日本語のウェビナーを開催いたします。 今回は、弊社の最新の世界経済見通しのポイントをご説明した後、経済過熱懸念の最前線である米国のインフレの見通しや人手不足の下でも雇用の回復が遅い労働市場に関する分析をご紹介します。この結果導かれる米国FEDの今後の政策見通しは、米国の長期金利や株価に限らず、為替レートやグローバル資金フローにとっても大きな意味を持ちます。

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Lockdown and Vaccines – The ongoing impact of COVID-19 on Australia’s outlook

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The emergence of community transmission of the Delta variant of COVID-19 has sent Australian cities into lockdown. This more transmissible strain of the virus has prompted swift action from state governments to restrict trading and travel activity, which will test the resilience of the maturing recovery. In this session, our Chief Economist Sarah Hunter and Principal Economist Sean Langcake will discuss how the current restrictions are shaping our outlook for the economy in 2021, and the risks associated with more protracted lockdowns. They will also discuss the role of the vaccine rollout in potentially normalising conditions, drawing on recent international experiences. In this panel discussion session, our Chief Economist Sarah Hunter and Principal Economist Sean Langcake will discuss the following: The latest round of lockdowns have clearly impacted household spending and mobility, how long will the recovery take? Is vaccination the only long term solution? And will this be enough? What is the transition to ‘COVID-normal’ likely to look like? We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between the Americas, APAC and EMEA: APAC - Thursday 8th July | 10:30 am AEST EMEA - Friday 9th April | 10:00 am BST Americas - Friday 9th April | 16:00 EDT

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[Panel Discussion] COVID-19: The demographic winners & losers within Australia

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With the economic recovery well underway, the long term economic impact of COVID-19 is now receiving more attention. The closure of the international border has turned Net Overseas Migration negative – the pace of population growth has fallen to its lowest level in over a century. This shift is having a profound (and in some cases surprising) impact on the domestic economy, the housing market, and construction sector activity. In this panel discussion session, our Chief Economist Sarah Hunter, Principal Economist Sean Langcake, and Principal Building Economist Tim Hibbert will discuss the following: When and how we expect the border to re-open, What the latest visa application and grant data suggests about the recovery in overseas migration over the next five years, How this recovery will feed through to individual states, and what this will mean for economic activity, How internal migration and birth rates have responded to the pandemic, and what this will mean for the local economy. We will be repeating the same webinar to cater for the difference in time zones between the Americas, APAC and EMEA: APAC - Thursday 15th April | 13:00 pm AEST EMEA - Friday 16th April | 10:00 am BST Americas - Friday 16th April | 16:00 EDT

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