Events and Webinars

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L’anno che verrà: prospettive economiche per il 2024

with Nicola Nobile and Paolo Grignani | Online | January 23, 2024

Quali prospettive per l’economia globale ed europea in questo nuovo anno? La disinflazione proseguirà innescando rapidamente un allentamento monetario, o la solidità dei mercati del lavoro continuerà a mettere pressioni sui salari spingendo le banche centrali a mantenere i tassi elevati? Il deterioramento delle dinamiche di crescita in corso anticipa una recessione più marcata o si tratta solamente di un soft landing?

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UK Macro – Have we reached the end of the rate hiking cycle?

with Andrew Goodwin and Edward Allenby | Online | May 15, 2023

In February, when Bank Rate was increased to 4%, the MPC sent a clear message that it felt its job was almost done. But since then activity has been firmer than expected and fiscal policy has been loosened, while data on wages and inflation have surprised on the upside, leading markets to expect that Bank Rate will move close to 5% by year-end. In this webinar we will provide an update on the outlook for monetary policy, looking back on the May MPC meeting and presenting some of our recent work on labour market tightness and the outlook for wage growth.

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Raw materials, wages, and the US construction outlook

with Abby Samp, Barbara Denham and Stephen Hare | Online | December 5, 2022

Rising commodity prices, wages, and interest rates are all expected to weigh on the US construction outlook through the course of 2023. Join Stephen Hare, Barbara Denham, and Abby Samp as they discuss these factors impacting US construction, including a look at the sub-national outlook.

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