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Watchlist 2024 – Coups, devaluations, and the birth of a sector

with Jacques Nel and Pieter Scribante | Online | November 28, 2023

Next year will see some countries breaching breaking points. It will also see the birth of a new industry and somewhat of a renaissance in East Africa’s economic anchor. In this webinar we discuss our watchlist for 2024. Our calls include major devaluations in Ethiopia & Egypt, and the highest likelihood in decades of coups d’état in Cameroon & Tunisia. We will give our expectations regarding South Africa’s presidential elections, and discuss two decidedly positive expectations: the inception of Africa’s green hydrogen sector and Kenya getting its economic groove back.

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Key elections in Africa in 2024

with Louw Nel and Francois Conradie | Online | November 28, 2023

If the military governments in the Sahel keep their promises, 16 African countries will hold presidential or legislative elections this year. The biggest race is in South Africa, where the African National Congress (ANC), in power since the advent of democracy in 1994, risks losing its majority. Swapo, the liberation movement in neighbouring Namibia, is in a comparably unpromising position, while in Mozambique, the ruling Frelimo has not yet picked a presidential candidate. Senegal and Ghana will both get new leaders as the incumbents must step down. We will run through the important dynamics in these five elections, and briefly touch on those to be held later in the year in Algeria, Rwanda, and Tunisia.

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All bets are off: what next for South Africa’s Ramaphosa?

with Jee-A van der Linde and Louw Nel | Online | December 6, 2022

President Cyril Ramaphosa is considering his options after an independent judicial panel – considering the merits of an impeachment inquiry – found he had a case to answer. Calls for him to resign are multiplying but, with the ANC elective conference only weeks away, he knows resigning now would likely mean the end of the road. What comes next and what are his options? We try to make sense of it all.

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Untangling the African political economy patchwork

with Pieter Scribante and Jacques Nel | Online | October 25, 2022

The African policy environment is volatile and difficult to predict due to complex interconnections between politics and economics. By using political economy risk tools, we can better understand where we could see the most severe policy volatility and what direction this policy might take. In this session we explore the findings of our updated political economy framework. These findings include in what way the nature of challenges to government supremacy matter – challenges by civil society (South Africa, Botswana, and Mauritius) have qualitatively different outcomes to challenges by the military or armed groups (Mozambique, Libya, and Ethiopia) – and how elections feed into policy decisions.

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