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Hausse des taux et croissance, arrive-t-on au point de rupture?

with Pierre Delage and Riccardo Marcelli Fabiani | Online | September 29, 2023

Tandis que la vague inflationniste reflue progressivement, le resserrement monétaire commence à peser sur la croissance, les dernières données indiquant un net ralentissement. Jusqu’à quand la reprise des services pourra-t-elle soutenir la croissance face à une industrie atone? L'Europe manque de relai entre une croissance aux États-Unis freinée par la Fed, et le ralentissement structurel chinois accentué pour la chute immobilière, peut-elle résister? Podczas tego webinaru przedstawimy prognozy Oxford Economics dotyczące gospodarki światowej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem krajów strefy euro. Na koniec przyjrzymy się wpływowi otoczenia zewnętrznego jak również krajowego "policy mix" na krótkoterminowe perspektywy dla gospodarki Polski.

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The worst is likely over, but growth will be subdued

with Daniel Kral, Rory Fennessy, Lawrence Harper-Scott and Nico Palesch | Online | April 28, 2023

The Nordic economies are particularly exposed to high inflation and rising rates, given the high indebtedness of their private sectors and prevalence of variable rate loans. Activity has so far surprised on the upside in early 2023, but tight financial conditions and depressed real incomes will weigh on growth later this year and into 2024. In this webinar, we will address the main drivers of the near-term outlook, namely the impact of inflation and monetary policy tightening on the real economy and the banking sectors, as well as our view on Nordic industry, commercial real estate and cities performance.

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