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Middle East: Non-energy sectors on track to power 2024 recovery

with Scott Livermore and Maya Senussi | Online | October 23, 2023

The negative impact of oil output cuts on the GCC outlook looks set to extend into 2024. However, growth will improve on this year thanks to thriving non-energy sectors. We outline reasons for optimism against the backdrop of domestic and external headwinds.

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Outlook Eurozona e Italia

with Nicola Nobile and Paolo Grignani | Online | April 18, 2023

Le ultime settimane hanno visto un calo dell’inflazione ma il taglio della produzione di petrolio deliberato dall’OPEC+ indica che la crisi energetica non è stata del tutto superata. Nuovi rischi per l’economia italiana e dell’Eurozona arrivano dal settore finanziario, con sullo sfondo la guerra in Ucraina che sembra lontana da una soluzione. In Italia tiene banco la questione dell’utilizzo dei fondi del PNNR , mentre i dati ad alta frequenza indicano un inizio d’anno migliore delle attese.

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Middle East 2023 outlook: The shine comes off GCC recovery

with Maya Senussi and Scott Livermore | Online | January 24, 2023

The 2023 outlook for the GCC region will not compare to last year's spectacular expansion. OPEC+ policy has weakened prospects for the oil sector, while rise in domestic financing costs will contribute to the slowdown in non-oil recovery. That said, growth will remain firmly positive, underpinned by diversification efforts, in contrast to many advanced and emerging markets.

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Russia’s response to the oil price cap

with Tatiana Orlova and Gabriel Sterne | Online | January 13, 2023

Russia’s initial response to the EU embargo and the EU-G7 oil price cap suggests that it seeks to avoid further damage to its oil output and exports in the current circumstances. Global oil prices have barely responded to early signs of a collapse in Russian crude exports. Perhaps the worrying supply signals have been offset by weakening global demand.

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