Events and Webinars

We run a worldwide programme of insightful conferences, roundtables, webinars and podcasts presented by our economic experts.


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Canada Economic Outlook Webinar: Weak growth to continue in the face of stiff new headwinds

with Tony Stillo and Michael Davenport | Online | November 21, 2024

The Canadian economy continues to underwhelm. Growth remains weak and GDP per capita has now declined for two years. Our upcoming webinar will discuss prospects for the economy amid the key challenges it faces, tackling questions like: How will rapidly declining interest rates and new mortgage lending guidelines affect households? Will another Trump presidency mean higher tariffs for Canada’s exporters? How will the federal government’s new immigration plan affect the economy?

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UK Budget reaction

with Andrew Goodwin and Edward Allenby | Online | November 1, 2024

The new government will present its first Budget on October 30. We expect the government to present new fiscal rules, and increase both government spending and taxation. In this webinar we will analyse the main policy changes and assess the implications for our economic forecasts.

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Outlook for global enterprise tech spend

with Mark Killion and Victoria Tribone | Online | September 17, 2024

After slowdown in recent years, the outlook is brighter in 2025 for global spending on technology products by businesses and governments. Led by recovery in Asia and Europe, pushed by growth in software and cloud-based services, aided by cyclical recovery in devices. Join Oxford Economics to learn about the key drivers and market conditions shaping tech spending by 35 industries in 25 countries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

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How the forecast may change after election day

with Ryan Sweet and Bernard Yaros | Online | July 15, 2024

During the next presidential term, the economy will receive a net boost from federal policymaking, and inflation will come in stronger, leading to a more cautious easing cycle by the Federal Reserve. This is the takeaway no matter the president and the political balance of power in Congress. In this webinar we will to take stock of the economy's performance across our six scenarios – two each for Trump, divided government, and the two most recent simulations for Biden.

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Economics of a second Trump presidency

with Ryan Sweet and Bernard Yaros | Online | April 29, 2024

Continuing our series of analyses on the 2024 election, we modeled the macroeconomic impact of a second Donald Trump presidency. If the former president wins on Election Day, he will most likely return to the White House with Republican majorities in the House of Representatives and Senate. Assuming full Republican control of government after the 2024 election, we constructed two scenarios that bookend a range of outcomes for the US economy. This webinar will discuss the results of the Trump scenarios, including for inflation, GDP, monetary policy, trade and immigration.

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Central and Eastern Europe: More uneven than ever?

with Mateusz Urban and Tomas Dvorak | Online | April 3, 2024

A wide gap in economic performance has opened in the usually homogenous CEE region. Poland, Romania and, to a lesser extent, Slovakia have been consistently outperforming their Czech and Hungarian peers. We expect this divergence to narrow only partially in the near term. The gap in growth permeates into other economic areas too – the outperformers have to contend with more persistent, demand-driven inflation, halting the plans to loosen historically tight monetary policy. Many of the CEE governments have also been unusually fiscally active. We’ll be exploring the diverging macro outlook for the CEE region and some strategy implications in this EM webinar.

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Key elections in Africa in 2024

with Louw Nel and Francois Conradie | Online | November 28, 2023

If the military governments in the Sahel keep their promises, 16 African countries will hold presidential or legislative elections this year. The biggest race is in South Africa, where the African National Congress (ANC), in power since the advent of democracy in 1994, risks losing its majority. Swapo, the liberation movement in neighbouring Namibia, is in a comparably unpromising position, while in Mozambique, the ruling Frelimo has not yet picked a presidential candidate. Senegal and Ghana will both get new leaders as the incumbents must step down. We will run through the important dynamics in these five elections, and briefly touch on those to be held later in the year in Algeria, Rwanda, and Tunisia.

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Finding solutions to the environmental emergency: where politics meets economics

with James Lambert, Jake Kuyer and Caroline Franklin | Online | December 13, 2022

The health of the planet has been at the top of the global political and business agenda in recent weeks with COP27 last month and the parallel COP15 on biodiversity. In the past year, extreme weather events including, hurricanes and wildfires have had a devastating impact on the lives of millions of people around the world. Governments, companies, and investors are aware of the risks of global warming but COP-27 climate summit served as a reminder of how complex it is for stakeholders to agree on a solution, and on their role within it.

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