Events and Webinars

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Showing 1-8 of 8
For Asia, the Trump regime is not just about tariffs

with Arup Raha | Online | February 20, 2025

We are about a month into the Trump presidency and Asia appears to be coping quite well despite the continued looming fear of tariffs. However, the financial markets have been reacting since September of last year, with higher US bond yields and a stronger US dollar. These developments are likely to affect Asian growth prospects and also the ability of policy to respond. We draw out the implications. Plus: Could AI be China’s magic potion out of stagnation?

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US Election Virtual Roundtable

with Ryan Sweet, Bernard Yaros and Debra D'Agostino | In-Person | October 30, 2024

Ryan and Bernard will present the final results of the Oxford Economics election scenarios, which have been measuring the economic impact of every potential results for several months. We anticipate both the presidential and congressional elections to be a toss-up until Election Day, so our scenario approach is greatly valued by clients. Ryan and Bernard will also debate how the election results will impact the Federal Reserve, financial markets, global trade, industry winners & losers and the implications for the economy in 2025.

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Global: Key themes 2024 – Few opportunities in a gloomy landscape

with Ben May and Kiki Sondh | Online | December 1, 2023

Global GDP growth and inflation will slow in 2024 and central banks will begin to pivot in H2 – at least that seems to be the broad agreement among markets, policymakers, and forecasters. For the most part, we concur and have identified three key themes that we think will be key to the precise path that economies and financial markets take next year: Risks to the consensus growth view are skewed to the downside. Inflation trends will diverge more. Despite the gloom, some bright spots will emerge In this webinar we explore these three key themes in more detail

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The continued risk of monetary overkill

with Ben May and Adam Slater | Online | February 21, 2023

We assess the risk of central bank over-tightening in an uncertain environment. We consider whether the level of monetary restriction could become excessive relative to what is needed to return inflation to target and the risk that the speed of tightening could cause financial market instability, looking at current key indicators and historical evidence across a range of advanced economies.

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with Shigeto Nagai | Online | December 21, 2022


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Key Global Trends for 2023

with Ben May | Online | December 15, 2022

We expect vast swathes of the advanced economies to fall into recession in 2023 and for global growth to be weaker than the consensus expectation. Beyond this, we think that three broad themes which will dominate next year from an economic and financial market perspective: 1. Supply shocks will ease but won't fade completely. 2. Inflation will fall sharply but a fast central bank pivot is less likely. 3. Recessions will be mild but subsequent recoveries disappointing.

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Online | July 28, 2022

ウェビナーでは、6月に米国FEDが景気後退も辞さない覚悟でインフレを抑制する姿勢を示したことを受けての世界経済の展望とリスクをご説明します。Oxford Economics見通しの特徴は、比較的早いインフレ率の戻りと利上げ停止・利下げ展開を展望し、米国のリセッション入りもかろうじて回避することを見込む点です。その成否の鍵を握る長期金利や資産価格の動き、マクロ的なインフレ決定メカニズムの構造変化の有無などについての分析をご紹介します。

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Online | April 19, 2022

今次日本語ウェビナーでは、ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻が世界経済へ及ぼす影響について、モデルのシミュレーションなどを用いて定量的に説明します。また、戦争による資源価格の高騰は、米国FEDを一段とタカ派化させ、金融市場ではスタグフレーションへの懸念が高まっています。弊社は現時点ではアグレッシブな利上げ後の利下げ転換でsoft landingするとの見方ですが、同時にFEDが過去に例のない性質と大きさの不確実性に直面していることも示したいと思います。

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