Events and Webinars

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Showing 1-20 of 58
ETC tourism trends and prospects: Q4 2024

with Chloe Parkins and Jennifer Iduh | Online | January 29, 2025

Tourism Economics will highlight and reflect on the latest tourism trends and data in Europe for 2024, as well as provide some analysis on both the global and European economic backdrop. Following President Trump’s inauguration, we will also highlight some key assumptions and risks to the forecasts and how a second term may impact travel flows, including those from China and how this may effect the long-haul travel recovery.

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Enterprise tech spend pushing economic growth

with Victoria Tribone | Online | January 22, 2025

How will the global enterprise tech spend perform in the coming year? Boosted by changes in policy and improving business cycles but also navigating through sharply higher risk profiles, join Oxford Economics to learn about the key drivers and market conditions shaping tech spending by 35 industries in 25 countries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

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Eurozone economic key themes for 2025

with Angel Talavera | Online | December 2, 2024

We explore the main themes shaping the outlook for the eurozone next year. After years of multiple shocks, monetary and fiscal policy will become again the main factors driving the economic outlook. But Trump’s return to the White House and the threat of a trade war will present a key risk to the open European economy.

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Human rights – impacts and risks in supply chains

with Jake Kuyer and Ilana Gottlieb | Online | November 14, 2024

We are entering a new era of regulatory and consumer interest in human rights issues. The CSDDD heralds mandatory human rights due diligence in Europe and regulation on modern slavery proliferates globally. Companies are required to understand and address human rights issues in their own operations and along their broader value chains. In this webinar we'll explore how our advanced capabilities can support the identification and management of human rights impacts. Key Topics: The changing human rights regulatory landscape, including CSDDD requirements Exploration of our human rights offering, including heatmapping risk of modern slavery in supply chains and understanding impacts on Indigenous communities Presentation of a case study application of our capabilities, designed to analyse and manage adverse human rights impacts

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ETC tourism trends and prospects: Q3 2024

with Chloe Parkins, Jennifer Iduh and Ivan Poltoracki | Online | October 16, 2024

Tourism Economics will provide an overview of the latest tourism sector trends and outlook in Europe, highlighting some key trends across the region and briefly covering some analysis around over tourism. Additionally, we will be joined by Ivan Poltoracki from Amadeus who will talk through the latest aviation trends for inbound tourism to Europe and give an insight into air traffic performance over the summer.

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Industrial recovery struggles to gain momentum

with Abby Samp and Dominic Dobryniewski | Online | September 23, 2024

Industrial production growth has improved relative to last year, but still trails the broader economy. The cycle has bottomed out and remains on course for a gradual recovery, but the lagged impact of past monetary policy tightening and continued central bank caution around inflation, particularly in Europe, means momentum will take time to build. Join us for a full summary of the outlook across key sectors.

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Outlook for global enterprise tech spend

with Mark Killion and Victoria Tribone | Online | September 17, 2024

After slowdown in recent years, the outlook is brighter in 2025 for global spending on technology products by businesses and governments. Led by recovery in Asia and Europe, pushed by growth in software and cloud-based services, aided by cyclical recovery in devices. Join Oxford Economics to learn about the key drivers and market conditions shaping tech spending by 35 industries in 25 countries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

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The future of European industrial competitiveness

with Jeremy Leonard and Nico Palesch | Online | July 25, 2024

Since the onset of the energy crisis much has been made of the threat of European deindustrialisation—the notion that large swathes of manufacturing are going to permanently leave Europe because of a degraded competitive position. Join us to hear us decompose European industry's short-, medium, and long-term challenges, define what deindustrialisation would look like and how likely it is, and outline our latest research on which industries are poised to decline and which ones are in a good position to keep growing as the industry cycle turns—and beyond.

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Will consumer spending drive short-term growth?

with Dmitriy Gruzinov, Scott McEwan and Stephen Adams | Online | July 11, 2024

Earlier in the year, the speed of the disinflationary process peaked and headline inflation has returned to target ranges in most countries, except for Mexico and Colombia. While services inflation remain high, we expect a broad deceleration of core items, partially offsetting upside pressure from a likely rebound in volatile non-core prices. In the next 12 months, we expect most headline inflation to remain broadly within target ranges. However, multiple factors have narrowed the space for policy cuts in the region. Join our expert Economists as we explore these factors and how you can navigate these upcoming scenarios.

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European Travel Trends & Prospects Q2 2024

with Chloe Parkins, Menno Van IJssel and Alexander Robinson | Online | June 19, 2024

International travel in Europe has moved above 2019 levels as we go into the second quarter of 2024. This webinar will investigate where this recovery is coming from and what destinations are lagging behind, as well as looking out towards the rest of this year as travel becomes more broad-based across the region. Additionally, STR (part of the CoStar Group) will be presenting the year-to-date developments in the hotel industry across Europe.

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Global industry forecast update: Momentum is building

with Jeremy Leonard and Nico Palesch | Online | June 13, 2024

After two years of relatively sluggish activity we see signs that the worst has passed for global industry. Join our global industry team to get the latest on why we think the turnaround is imminent and in which regions and sectors it will be most keenly felt. Major themes include Europe, which has dug itself into a deep hole with respect to manufacturing activity over the past year, and why we think it on the verge of turning the corner back to growth and how US industry is expected to cope in and after what is expected to be a closely-fought and volatile election year. In the Asia-Pacific region we will discuss how Japan is dealing with the aftermath of the Daihatsu production line scandal that seriously dented Q1 industrial output and the extent to which China can continue relying on manufacturing sector output to boost overall growth amidst a volatile global environment, the threat of tariffs, and persistent worries around overcapacity.

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Rebalancing of city tourism demand around the world

with Dave Goodger, Emma Laverty and Kieran Ferran | Online | April 30, 2024

Europe made significant strides towards a complete recovery to pre-pandemic levels in 2023, and it is set to do so in 2024. In this webinar, we will delve into the latest travel trends across the region, exploring the anticipated effects of major sporting events this year. Additionally, MMGY TCI Research will be presenting the latest trends in Europe's destination reputation online through social listening, including some of the most prominent stories that have helped shape it. Additionally, the perceived sustainability of experiences and their value for money will be explored through sentiment data stemming from written reviews.

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European Travel Trends & Prospects Q1 2024

with Chloe Parkins, Menno Van IJssel and Diego Maldonado | Online | April 23, 2024

Europe made significant strides towards a complete recovery to pre-pandemic levels in 2023, and it is set to do so in 2024. In this webinar, we will delve into the latest travel trends across the region, exploring the anticipated effects of major sporting events this year. Additionally, MMGY TCI Research will be presenting the latest trends in Europe's destination reputation online through social listening, including some of the most prominent stories that have helped shape it. Additionally, the perceived sustainability of experiences and their value for money will be explored through sentiment data stemming from written reviews.

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Cities in the medium term: we pick the likely winners and losers over the next five years

with Lawrence Harper-Scott, Barbara Denham and Richard Holt | Online | April 11, 2024

Among leading cities in the US, we forecast stable GDP growth in 2024, but decelerating growth over the subsequent four years. In Europe in contrast, the short-term outlook for the largest cities remains subdued, but the medium-term picture looks set to improve. In this webinar we will explain our views, and we will identify the likely winners and losers among cities around the world.

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Central and Eastern Europe: More uneven than ever?

with Mateusz Urban and Tomas Dvorak | Online | April 3, 2024

A wide gap in economic performance has opened in the usually homogenous CEE region. Poland, Romania and, to a lesser extent, Slovakia have been consistently outperforming their Czech and Hungarian peers. We expect this divergence to narrow only partially in the near term. The gap in growth permeates into other economic areas too – the outperformers have to contend with more persistent, demand-driven inflation, halting the plans to loosen historically tight monetary policy. Many of the CEE governments have also been unusually fiscally active. We’ll be exploring the diverging macro outlook for the CEE region and some strategy implications in this EM webinar.

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European Construction Outlook

with Nicholas Fearnley | Online | February 22, 2024

European construction activity remained resilient over 2023 despite the headwinds created by higher financing costs, input cost inflation and labour shortages. We generally expect this resilience to continue into 2024, although the outlook varies by country and sector. In this webinar Dr Nicholas Fearnley will discuss the outlook and key risks for construction activity in Europe, and answer the following questions: • How does the outlook vary across sectors and countries? • How do delays to NGEU funding affect the outlook? • When will the renovation wave take off? • What is the outlook for material construction costs? • What are the risks and implications of higher interest rates and construction costs?

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ETC tourism trends and prospects: Q4 2023

with Chloe Parkins, Dave Goodger and Menno Van IJseel | Online | January 25, 2024

Tourism Economics will provide an overview of the latest tourism sector trends and outlook in Europe. This will include how international travel performed towards the end of 2023, with more countries verging on recovery. Further to this, we will delve into the prospects for recovery from China and other longer-haul markets.

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Key themes for cities in 2024: Cities that will be driving growth in 2024

with Anthony Light and Mark Britton | Online | January 18, 2024

In what will likely be another challenging year for the global economy, attention will increasingly focus on identifying the most resilient cities, and those that will be leading the way forward for their national economies. In this webinar we will present our short-term forecasts for major cities in North America, Asia and Europe, and discuss the key themes that underpin our projections.

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