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Showing 1-6 of 6
The high-stakes election in Africa’s largest democracy

with Pieter Scribante | Online | February 23, 2023

Nigerians are heading to the polls to vote for a new president, the house of representatives, and the senate on February 25, and for their state-wide representatives and governors on March 11. These elections take place under a spectre of record-high inflation, a deepening currency crisis, dissatisfaction with the political establishment, and heightened insecurity. Incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari is term-limited and set to be replaced. There are three candidates with a realistic path to victory: Bola Tinubu from the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Atiku Abubakar from the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), and Peter Obi from the Labour Party. In this webinar, we explore three scenarios of the potential outcome of the election and discuss the associated policy implications.

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Africa: What to expect from elections in 2023

with Pieter Scribante, Louw Nel, Francois Conradie and Zaynab Mohamed | Online | January 31, 2023

Thirteen African countries are scheduled to hold presidential or legislative elections this year. This webinar will focus on the four elections of greatest potential impact: Nigeria, home to the largest population in Africa; Zimbabwe, where the fractious and unloved Zanu-PF has already unleashed violence on its opponents; Gabon, where President Ali Bongo may try (again) to cheat to get a third term; and the DRC, where armed conflict is complicating the already massive task of registering 50 million voters across a territory the size of Western Europe. We will also touch on the elections in Eswatini, Libya, and Madagascar.

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Untangling the African political economy patchwork

with Pieter Scribante and Jacques Nel | Online | October 25, 2022

The African policy environment is volatile and difficult to predict due to complex interconnections between politics and economics. By using political economy risk tools, we can better understand where we could see the most severe policy volatility and what direction this policy might take. In this session we explore the findings of our updated political economy framework. These findings include in what way the nature of challenges to government supremacy matter – challenges by civil society (South Africa, Botswana, and Mauritius) have qualitatively different outcomes to challenges by the military or armed groups (Mozambique, Libya, and Ethiopia) – and how elections feed into policy decisions.

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Eurozone: Headed for recession this winter

with Angel Talavera and Nicola Nobile | Online | September 22, 2022

The eurozone economy is likely to fall into recession this winter, as the region continues to grapple with surging prices and the looming threat of energy rationing. With inflation showing no signs of easing, we expect the ECB to continue to hike rates aggressively despite the quickly deteriorating economic conditions. Simultaneously, the upcoming Italian elections add an additional element of uncertainty to the European outlook, we will explore this in more detail in the second part of the session.

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L’Italia tra elezioni, crisi energetica e inflazione

with Nicola Nobile and Paolo Grignani | Online | September 21, 2022

Con la caduta del Governo Draghi si è aperta una fase di incertezza per l’economia italiana, che deve affrontare un periodo di campagna elettorale mentre la crisi legata al caro energia e all’inflazione inizia ad essere ben visibile per imprese e famiglie. Con una recessione in Italia e nell’Eurozona che prevediamo essere ormai alle porte, la coalizione che uscirà vincitrice dalle urne il 25 Settembre dovrà quindi affrontare da subito delle problematiche importanti, che si vanno a sommare agli impegni legati al PNRR e alle turbolenze da parte dei mercati. Nel corso del nostro webinar cercheremo di analizzare tutte queste tematiche con un approfondimento sui potenziali scenari post voto.

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La guerre Russie-Ukraine, quelles conséquences pour la Présidentielle et l’économie mondiale ?

with Daniela Ordonez and Pierre Delage | Online | April 8, 2022

L’élection présidentielle se profile en pleine incertitude créée par la guerre en Ukraine, et ses conséquences sur les prix des matières premières et le pouvoir d’achat. L’inflation, déjà stimulée par les problèmes de chaines de valeurs et les confinements en Chine, aura un impact sur les votes en avril dans un pays marqué par la crise des gilets jaunes. Quelle économie mondiale nous attend et quel Président pour la France, dans un contexte de ralentissement qui renforce les risques de stagflation et met les banques centrales face à un dilemme cornélien?

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