
Where is the travel recovery headed – global tourism outlook update

The post pandemic travel recovery is well underway in 2022 despite disruption related to the war in Ukraine as well as continued travel restrictions in some countries and most notably in China which is still pursuing a zero-covid policy. We will describe our latest forecast update, including the effect of recent events and will explore the potential impacts of related price increases on travel recovery, including the impact on average tourism spending patterns.

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Dave Goodger

Director of Tourism Economics, EMEA

Dave Goodger

Director of Tourism Economics, EMEA

Dave Goodger is Director of Tourism Economics, Europe. He has been instrumental in developing the global model of tourism flows and spending, which covers 185 origins and destinations, and he continues to manage the regular forecast updates. He also maintains an active role in new product development and consultancy work.

Helen McDermott

Director of Global Forecasting, Tourism Economics

Helen McDermott

Director of Global Forecasting, Tourism Economics

Helen is Director of Global Forecasting with within Tourism Economics, with more than a decade of experience in economic modelling and consultancy. She specializes in tourism forecasting, tourism economic impact analysis including Tourism Satellite Account analysis and providing bespoke scenario analysis which caters to a range of client needs. She manages the Global Travel Service (GTS) and Global City Travel (GCT) services, providing up to date insights and forecasts of bilateral tourism flow across 185 countries and 300+ cities, as well as other core tourism indicators including overnight stays and tourism spending.

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