Air passenger demand outlook

Air passenger demand has continued to grow robustly throughout 2024 aided by lower inflation. Consequently, interest rates are on their way down which should further support demand in the near-term. However, there are a range of macroeconomic and geopolitical risks – including some degree of uncertainty around the impact of Donald Trump’s upcoming second presidency. The baseline outlook and risks to the outlook will be covered in this webinar.

Stephen Rooney

Lead Economist, Tourism Economics

+44 (0) 289 263 5408

Stephen Rooney

Lead Economist, Tourism Economics

Belfast, United Kingdom

Stephen manages the Air Passenger Forecast service which offers short- and long-term forecasts of air passenger flow for almost 4,000 routes and total flows for 183 countries, as well as alternative forecast scenarios for strategic decision-making. He has developed and maintained various bespoke forecast models for a range of clients from across the travel and tourism space as well as regularly contributing to the team’s consultancy output.

Stephen holds a First Class Economics with Politics degree from the University of Ulster.

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